Therser UK Blog

Therser UK, Alloy Fabrications Facility Offers a Cost Effective Approach to Radiant Tube Repairs and/or Replacements.

The Therser alloy fabrications facility is able to provide a repair, refurbishment or new supply to manufacturing facilities using radiant tube heating.

Radiant tubes always have a hard life in a furnace and can be a high-cost consumable to completely replace each time. Often some parts of the tubes remain intact and can be re-used. These tubes are then able to be put back into service following the replacement of the most badly heat damaged parts. 

If you use the following,

-Single Ended Tubes.

-U Tubes.

-W Tubes.

-P Tubes

-Any other wonderfully shaped radiant tubes.

We would review all damaged areas, advise on replacement areas and associated costs and once approved by yourselves, we carry out the work to the necessary replacement sections or repairs.

If a repair is ultimately not possible or uneconomical, then we can also provide completely new radiant tubes.

Below is our before and after. The results speak for themselves.


Picture2 alloyPicture1 Alloy











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