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Therser Behind Stoke’s Push To Become A Ceramics Centre Of Excellence

Why Therser Are Behind Stoke’s Push To Become A Ceramics Centre Of Excellence 1

To some, it is known as Stoke-on-Trent. A cosy 36 square miles of industrial history, with a characteristically unassuming name that simply means ‘place on the river’.


To others, Stoke will always be “the potteries”. An enduring nod to the city’s 300-year pedigree as a global leader in the design and manufacturer of that most timeless of skills, Stoke spearheaded the industrial pottery revolution, permanently altering the British manufacturing landscape.

If any city deserves the stamp of Ceramics Centre Of Excellence, it would be Stoke. Here is a short, indulgent dip into some of the credits of this remarkable landmark.

It’s All About Excellence

Iconic, ambitious, carefully versed master architects of the ceramic arts.

Visionaries such as Josiah Wedgewood were drawn to The Potteries by the crucial combination of clay, salt, lead, and coal. With these materials, designers could create pottery on an industrial scale, transforming both the cultural and economic value of decorative and industrial ceramic items.

The emphasis was always upon excellence and innovation. From the discovery of cream ware – which removed the distinctive red colour that pottery had retained for at least 30 millennia – to the birth of industrial kilns, Stoke has embraced the challenge of leading ground-breaking ceramic invention since the early 1700s.

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Looking To The Future

Times are evolving. Today that most precious of resources – coal – represents just one of many avenues that today’s innovators are exploring in order to maintain ceramic supply whilst reducing carbon emissions.

Now is not a time to leave footprints: it is an era when taking strides has never been more important. With its densely concentrated nexus of international experts, Stoke is redefining what ‘excellence’ means for the future. It is about achieving engineering quality and ingenuity whilst also protecting our natural resources, the air that we breathe, and the industries that we support.

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A Deep Connection

This rich and evolving history in ceramic development has meant that the small city of Stoke is a global player. Connected to many core industries, such as aerospace, medicine, and solar power, the skill of The Potteries has continued to drive success.

Whether we realise it or not, Stoke has an influence upon all of our everyday experiences. That’s why Therser are proud to support Stoke as a city of Ceramic Excellence. It is a title that the city has been living for nearly 300 years, and one that is overdue a finalisation.

To learn more about Therser’s role in Stoke’s ceramic history, get in touch. Or, check out our website to see what we are doing to make sure that our future impact is as powerful and positive as our past.

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