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THERSER UK Can Help You With, All 7 Processing Steps For Your Battery Materials

Written by Therser UK | 15-Aug-2024 08:34:59

With THERSER UK's comprehensive Full Turnkey Solution, we not only provide the essential kiln for your calcination process but also offer a complete range of equipment for both upstream and downstream processes. Dive deeper into these crucial steps by continuing to read below.



1. Raw Material Powder discharge is a critical process in the production of battery materials, where finely ground powders, such as lithium, cobalt, nickel, and graphite, are transferred from storage or processing units into subsequent stages of manufacturing. This operation must be conducted with precision to ensure the uniformity and purity of the materials, which are essential for the performance and longevity of batteries. Effective discharge systems are designed to minimize material loss, prevent contamination, and control dust emissions, thereby maintaining a clean and safe working environment. Advanced technologies, such as automated discharge equipment and enclosed conveying systems, are often employed to enhance efficiency and protect the integrity of the battery materials. Proper handling during this phase is vital to achieving the desired electrochemical properties in the final battery cells, impacting everything from energy density to cycle life.


2. The Mixing Slurry Process,  is a crucial preparatory step in the production of battery materials. During this phase, active materials, conductive agents, binders, and solvents are meticulously combined to create a homogeneous slurry.  High-shear mixers and planetary mixers are often employed to ensure that all components are evenly dispersed, preventing agglomerates and ensuring a consistent particle size distribution. Additionally, these advanced mixing technologies eliminate entrained air and foaming during mixing, enhancing the quality of the slurry. The design of these systems also eliminates the bottom seal, contributing to a dust-free environment that significantly reduces safety hazards. The ergonomic, efficient, and sanitary nature of the equipment further streamlines the process, ensuring a safe and clean working environment. Moreover, the automated nature of these systems eliminates the need for manual delivery of powders, enhancing overall efficiency.

3. Wet Milling, also known as wet grinding, is a crucial process in the production of battery materials, involving the grinding of precursors and active materials in a liquid medium. This method ensures the formation of fine, uniform particles that are essential for the consistent performance of battery electrodes. Wet milling enhances the homogeneity of the materials, facilitating better mixing and dispersion. In the context of continuous mixing of electrode slurries, wet milling allows for the simultaneous grinding and mixing of components such as active materials, conductive agents, and binders. This process results in a highly uniform slurry, essential for producing high-quality electrodes.


4. The Spray Drying Process is an essential step in the production of battery materials, particularly for preparing powders with consistent particle size and moisture content. This process involves converting a liquid slurry, containing active materials, conductive agents, and binders, into a fine, dry powder through atomization and drying.

Here is a detailed overview of the spray drying process:

  • Atomization: The liquid slurry is fed into a spray dryer where it is atomized into fine droplets using a high-pressure nozzle or rotary atomizer. This creates a large surface area for efficient drying.
  • Drying: The atomized droplets are exposed to a stream of hot air in the drying chamber. The hot air rapidly evaporates the solvent, resulting in the formation of dry powder particles. The drying conditions, such as air temperature and flow rate, are carefully controlled to ensure consistent drying and to prevent overheating, which could degrade the material.
  • Particle Formation: As the solvent evaporates, the solid components in the droplets form spherical particles. The spray drying process can be adjusted to control the size and morphology of these particles, which is crucial for the performance of the final battery electrodes.
  • Collection: The dry powder is collected from the bottom of the drying chamber and the cyclone separator. The final product is a free-flowing powder with uniform particle size and low moisture content, ready for further processing or direct use in electrode fabrication.

The benefits of the spray drying process in battery material production include:

  • Consistent Particle Size: Spray drying produces particles with uniform size and shape, which is critical for achieving consistent performance in battery electrodes.
  • Controlled Moisture Content: The process ensures low and consistent moisture content in the powder, preventing issues related to excess moisture in subsequent processing steps.
  • Enhanced Flow Properties: The spherical nature of spray-dried particles improves flowability, making handling and further processing more efficient.
  • Scalability: Spray drying is a scalable process, capable of producing large quantities of material with consistent quality.
  • Improved Material Properties: The controlled drying conditions help preserve the electrochemical properties of the active materials, ensuring high performance in the final battery cells.


5. Calcination is a critical thermal treatment process used in the production of battery materials, where precursor materials are heated to high temperatures in a controlled environment. This process drives off volatile components, induces phase transformations, and enhances the material properties necessary for optimal battery performance.

Here is a detailed overview of the calcination process:

  • Heating: The precursor materials, often in powder form, are heated in a furnace to temperatures typically ranging from 500°C to 1000°C. The exact temperature and duration of heating depend on the specific materials and desired final properties.
  • Decomposition: During calcination, organic binders and other volatile components are decomposed and removed. This step is crucial for creating a pure, stable material structure.
  • Phase Transformation: The high temperatures induce phase transformations, converting the precursor materials into their desired crystalline forms. These transformations are essential for achieving the electrochemical properties required for battery performance.
  • Sintering: Calcination often involves a degree of sintering, where particles partially fuse together, improving the material’s structural integrity and electrical conductivity.
  • Atmosphere Control: The atmosphere within the furnace can be controlled (e.g., using air, inert gases, or reducing environments) to prevent unwanted reactions, such as oxidation or reduction, which could degrade the material.

The benefits of the calcination process in battery material production include:

  • Enhanced Material Properties: Calcination improves the crystallinity, phase purity, and overall structural integrity of the materials, which are crucial for high-performance battery electrodes.
  • Removal of Impurities: The process effectively removes volatile impurities and organic residues, ensuring the purity of the final product.
  • Improved Electrochemical Performance: Properly calcined materials exhibit better electrochemical properties, such as higher capacity, improved conductivity, and greater stability during battery cycling.
  • Tailored Material Characteristics: By adjusting calcination parameters (temperature, time, atmosphere), manufacturers can fine-tune the material characteristics to meet specific battery requirements.

6. Powder Handling Systems are integral to the efficient and safe production of battery materials. These systems encompass various processes to ensure the consistent quality and handling of powders throughout the manufacturing process. Key components of powder handling systems include powder mixing, vacuum conveying, liquid injection, degassing/cooling, and powder conditioning.

  • Powder Mixing: This step involves the thorough blending of different powders to achieve a homogeneous mixture. High-precision mixers ensure uniform distribution of active materials, conductive agents, and other additives, which is critical for the consistent performance of battery electrodes. Effective powder mixing reduces the risk of agglomeration and ensures that all components are evenly dispersed.

  • Vacuum Conveying: Vacuum conveying systems transport powders through the production line without exposing them to the external environment. This method is dust-free, reducing safety hazards and contamination risks. Vacuum conveyors are also highly efficient, moving large quantities of powder quickly and reliably, ensuring a smooth flow of materials.

  • Liquid Injection: In certain processes, liquid components need to be precisely added to powder mixtures. Liquid injection systems accurately introduce binders, solvents, or other liquid additives into the powder stream. This step is crucial for forming slurries or modifying powder characteristics, ensuring proper wetting and dispersion of the powders.

  • Degassing/Cooling: After mixing and conveying, powders often need to be degassed and cooled to remove trapped gases and reduce temperature. Degassing systems eliminate air pockets and prevent foaming, which can affect the quality of the final product. Cooling systems help stabilize the powder, making it easier to handle and process further.

  • Powder Conditioning: This step involves treating powders to achieve specific properties required for subsequent manufacturing stages. Conditioning can include drying, heating, or adding flow aids to improve the powder's handling characteristics. Properly conditioned powders ensure better performance in downstream processes, such as pressing or extrusion


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7. Dry Milling is a crucial process in the production of battery materials, particularly for achieving the desired particle size and distribution of raw materials without the use of liquid mediums. This process involves the mechanical reduction of solid materials into fine particles through various types of mills, such as ball mills, jet mills, or hammer mills. Dry milling is essential for preparing materials that require specific physical and chemical properties to ensure optimal performance in battery applications.

Here is a detailed overview of the dry milling process:

  • Feed Preparation: The raw materials, often in larger particle form, are fed into the milling equipment. These materials can include active battery components such as lithium, cobalt, nickel, and conductive agents.

  • Milling Operation: The milling equipment mechanically reduces the particle size through impact, shear, or compression forces. The type of mill and the operational parameters (speed, duration, and milling media) are selected based on the material properties and the desired final particle size.

  • Size Reduction: During milling, particles are broken down into finer sizes, achieving a uniform particle size distribution. This is critical for ensuring consistent mixing and performance of the battery materials in subsequent stages.

  • Classification: After milling, the particles are often classified or sieved to separate them into desired size fractions. This ensures that only particles within the specified size range proceed to the next production steps, enhancing the consistency and quality of the final product.

  • Dust Control: Since dry milling generates a significant amount of dust, effective dust control measures are essential. Dust collectors and containment systems are used to capture airborne particles, maintaining a clean and safe working environment.

The benefits of the dry milling process in battery material production include:

  • Uniform Particle Size: Dry milling achieves a consistent and precise particle size distribution, which is crucial for the performance and reliability of battery electrodes.

  • Enhanced Material Properties: The mechanical action in dry milling can enhance certain material properties, such as surface area and reactivity, improving the electrochemical performance of the battery materials.

  • Flexibility: Dry milling is suitable for a wide range of materials and can be easily adapted to different production scales and requirements.

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Without the need for liquid media, dry milling can be more cost-effective and easier to manage, reducing the complexity of the production process.

  • Environmental Control: Effective dust management systems ensure a safer and cleaner production environment, reducing the risk of contamination and occupational hazards.

For all these different processes please get in touch with our sales team today for a quotation.

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